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Through our company GAPI & SON S.L. we sell and distribute a selection of references of NICOLAS_3785-194_cc bb3b-136bad5cf58d_profesionales in the restaurant sector, wine bars, shops or corners for selling and tasting wine, wine bars, sommeliers, etc. Mainly in local areas of the Province of Malaga.

Distribuimos una muy escogida selección de vinos generosos, tranquilos y espumosos de Francia y de algunas bodegas de productores internacionales; with a very remarkable quality due to its typicidad and production methods.

Also a careful and selected selection of craft beers and spirits.

Nuestro asesor comercial, les presentará personalmente nuestro  *CATÁLOGO Y TARIFA PROFESSIONAL* if requested via email.

Especially for the restoration sector, we provide assesoramiento when choosing the most suitable references for the elaboration of your5-cc7819-de0_c7814_ bb3b-136bad5cf58d_wine list.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions .

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